CTP Cluj-Napoca
B-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 Nr. 128-130
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
400604, Romania
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 0264-430917
- 0264-430931
- http://www.ctpcj.ro
INFORMING: Anonymous petitions and petitions missing the identification data of the petitioner will not be considered and will be filed (Art. 7 of OG no. 27/2002 on regulating the settlement of petitions, with subsequent amendments).
PETITION means a request, complaint, report or proposal in writing or by electronic mail, which a citizen or a legally constituted organization can address public authorities and institutions, decentralized public services of ministries and other central agencies, companies and national corporations, commercial companies of county interest or local interest, as well as autonomous bodies, referred to as authorities and public institutions. (Art. 7 of OG no. 27/2002 on regulating the settlement of petitions, with subsequent amendments).
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