•   sugestii [at] ctpcj.ro
  •   0264-430917
  •   ANPC

Pupils Transportation

According to Local Council's Decision, pupils have at their disposal the means of transport specially designed, with the inscription "PUPILS TRANSPORTATION", with departures at hour 7 from neighborhoods towards the center of the city, the return taking place on the same routes, at hour 14, as it follows:

Note: This timetable is valid only during the school year, excepting holidays!


Linia 9 Str. Bucium - P-ţa Gării 7:20 Str. Bucium -> P-ţa Gării
14:03 P-ţa Gării -> Str. Bucium
Linia 24 Str. Unirii - Str. Bucium 7:14 Str. Bucium -> Str. Unirii
14:05 Str. Unirii -> Str. Bucium
Linia 30 Cart.Grigorescu - Str. A. Vlaicu 7:19, 14:06 Cart.Grigorescu -> Str. A. Vlaicu
7:24, 14:06 Str. A. Vlaicu -> Cart.Grigorescu
Linia 31 P-ţa M. Viteazul - Calea Baciului 7:14 Calea Baciului -> P-ţa M. Viteazul
Linia 35 Cart. Zorilor - P-ţa Gării 7:20 Cart. Zorilor -> P-ţa Gării
Linia 39 P.M.Viteazul - V. Chintăului 6:55 V. Chintăului -> P.M.Viteazul
Linia 42 P.M.Viteazul - Str.Câmpului 7:15 Str.Câmpului -> >P.M.Viteazul
Linia 43B Cart.Grigorescu - Cart.Zorilor 7:23 Cart.Grigorescu -> Cart.Zorilor
Linia 46B Str. A. Vlaicu - Cart.Zorilor 7:22 Str. A. Vlaicu -> Cart.Zorilor
14:12 Cart.Zorilor -> Str. A. Vlaicu


Linia 3 Str. Unirii - P-ţa Garii 7:25 P-ţa Garii-> Str. Unirii
Linia 5 P-ţa Garii - Aeroport 7:04 Aeroport -> P-ţa Garii
Linia 6 Str. Bucium - Str. A. Vlaicu 7:18 Str. Bucium -> Str. A. Vlaicu
7:17, 14:04 Str. A. Vlaicu -> Str. Bucium
Linia 25 Str. Bucium - Str. Unirii 7:14 Str. Bucium -> Str. Unirii
14:12 Str. Unirii -> Str. Bucium


Linia 101 Str. Bucium - P-ta Garii 7:22 Str. Bucium -> P-ta Garii
14:10 P-ta Garii -> Str. Bucium
Linia 102 Str. Bucium - B-dul Muncii 7:15 Str. Bucium -> B-dul Muncii
7:16, 14:05 B-dul Muncii -> Str. Bucium

CTP Cluj-Napoca

Public Transport Company S.A Cluj-Napoca is subordinated to Cluj-Napoca's City Hall Municipality.The Company provides services to the population, and its main activity is passenger transportation in Cluj-Napoca Municipality and the Metropolitan area.


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B-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 Nr. 128-130, 400604
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj


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