•   sugestii [at] ctpcj.ro
  •   0264-430917
  •   ANPC

Personal data protection

According to law requests no 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regards to processing of personal data and free movement of data, modified and completed and of the Law no 506/2004 regarding processing of personal data and protection of private life in the area of electronic communication, The Public Transport Company has the obligation to administrate within safe conditions and only for the purposes specified, personal data which you supply about yourself.

The purpose of data collection is that targeted individuals to benefit from local public transport services(issuing subscriptions, paper type tickets and card type ones, electronic communication in the ticketing system, acquisition of travel titles through SMS, electronic wallet)

You are obliged to provide data, these being necessary for issuance of valid travel titles. Your refusal makes it impossible to issue the valid travel title.

The recorded information is intended for the use of the operator and are communicated to the targeted persons in Cluj-Napoca Municipality.

According to Law no 677/2001, you benefit of access rights, intervention on data, right not to be subjected to an individual decision and the right to address the court. Also, you have the right to oppose processing of personal data on your regard and to request data deletion.

To exercise these rights, you can submit a written request, dated and signed at the Public Transport Company Cluj-Napoca, Boulevard 21 December 1989, no 128-130, tel. 0264/430917, fax 0264/430931, e-mail : secretariat [at] ctpcj.ro

If some of the data regarding you is incorrect, please inform us as soon as possible.
Hits: 3974

CTP Cluj-Napoca

Public Transport Company S.A Cluj-Napoca is subordinated to Cluj-Napoca's City Hall Municipality.The Company provides services to the population, and its main activity is passenger transportation in Cluj-Napoca Municipality and the Metropolitan area.


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B-dul 21 Decembrie 1989 Nr. 128-130, 400604
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj


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